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Product Reviews posted by Guffy_stuffy

  1. Cheat was awesome i used it so obviously and i have not gotten any bans so far and ts been roughly 24hrs since ive last used the cheat so if u just want something to have fun with cause games kinda borring rn go for it also very simple to use just watch the video included with the cheat 

  2. SUPER EASY TO USE the instouctinoal video was very useful and i logged on and there it was the menu is super fun to youse i defenitly reccomend but you coulkd get banned cause its very very very obvious that your hacking but really fun non the less 

  3. Very fun menu at first I couldn't figure out how to  get the menu to pop up on screen so I thought this was just a big scam but it wasn't but it doesn't lock on like crazy like if u just aim at the sky it wont lock on to people for u but the esp. is nice and if you aim at people  and pull the trigger the aimbot will do the rest I recommend very fun and I didn't get banned if anyone was wondering but if you play the game very seriously and have a lot of time and money put into the game I wouldn't risk also I put this at a 4 star because very expensive and its only a 1 day key but fun none the lessÂ